Learn to execute a Jiu Jitsu scarf hold (or kesa gatame) to gain side control positional dominance. ...
A demonstration of some common grips and holds that are weak in nature and how to defend yourself when holding a Jiu Jitsu arm bar. ...
San-cho zai is kata with three sai. This two part video shows you how to perform san-cho zai and then gives a more detailed explaination or analysis (called bunkai). ...
This tutorial goes over how to perform ni-cho zai. This kata utilizes 2 zai (sais), and the video includes the bunkai, or step-by-step analysis. ...
This video shows you how to execute the second group of basic moves (sai hojo-undo) - these include the in-depth explanations, too. ...
This video goes over the first seven basic moves with the sai known as hojo-undo group 1. The second part of the tutorial gives a more in-depth explaination of the 7 moves. ...
This video explains the striking points on the body and proper technique for throwing the sai. ...
Exercises specific to the sai, and the proper way to handle the sai are covered in this tutorial. ...
This video is an introduction to the sai, with historical background and proper size selection. If you want to learn how to use the sai, then you should start by watching this video before purchasing ...
Nunti kata dai is the second kata, or form, using the nunti. This tutorial is a great breakdown and explaination of how to do execute this kata. ...